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Un projet d’installation et / ou vous voulez devenir coopérateur associé

Type de lait :
Installation en JA :
logo coopérative laitière française sodiaal

200-216 rue Raymond Losserand
75014 Paris

Tél.: +(33) 01 44 10 90 10

Sociétés du groupes
*By using the contacts below, you agree that your data will be processed by Sodiaal International to allow the proper handling of my request The personal information communicated via these contacts is intended for the exclusive use of Sodiaal International in the sole purpose of responding to your contact request. In accordance with the Data Protection Act of January 6, 1978, each Internet user who has completed this form has the right to access, rectify or delete personal information concerning him, which he can exercise by contacting the Data Protection Officer. Group Data Protection (see privacy policy).