'Marques de respect'

Our brands belong to our breeders united in the Sodiaal cooperative. And you know what makes the difference?


New 2022 Integrated Report is online!

Our Cooperative and its model, our highlights, the key figures for 2022, the results of each of our activities as well as our CSR Horizons agricole approach, it's all there!


Listen to us!

The podcast for men and women who do the coop!

Our podcasts
Sodiaal Logo Marquesrespect Coul Rvb 1023 Carré

Our Brands


In my co-op! is the podcast of our cooperative Sodiaal which goes to meet milk producers, employees all over France.
Thanks to their testimonies, you will delve behind the scenes of their daily life, and discover the enthusiasm and the personality of the men and women of our coop!

sodiaal agriculteur


A company that belongs to its producers changes everything!
Our shareholders, you meet them every day in the countryside of France. These are the 16,055 breeders of Sodiaal. Much more than milk producers, they are also the owners of the cooperative, its brands and its processing tools. They all hold a share of the capital of the cooperative (known as share capital) and are the only decision-makers.
les cubes de fromage de brebis entremont pour la salade et l'apéritif

New Products

Columbus and Candia, a new range of fresh lattes!
A cooperative model based on the principle of solidarity for more than 50 years. « Pooling for the common good »


Our employees innovate, transform the milk of our producers, market and develop our brands and our products.
Sodiaal Integration Valerie Detoure 0624 04

Our engagements

Sodiaal’s farmers are committed to protect and develop the french dairy market. To do so, they aim to improve their performance in the economic, environment and social fields.